How common is google chrome sign in
How common is google chrome sign in

how common is google chrome sign in

And this is all ignoring their susceptibility to things like phishing attacks, keyloggers, and all sorts of other vulnerabilities.

how common is google chrome sign in

And if you do use a password manager, how often do you change them? Google says 60% of Americans only swap passwords when they have to. On top of that, you have to come up with a password - according to a recent survey by Google of 4,000 Americans, 19% say they've used a "common" easily-guessed password like 123456 or "Password." Even when the stakes are high, people can be pretty stupid without realizing the true risk.

how common is google chrome sign in

If you don't use a password, odds are you've succumbed to at least some password re-use between services, and that means a security vulnerability at one venue can easily spread to compromise multiple accounts. Plus, passwords are pretty dumb when you think about them. I know this sounds a little weird to think about, and not using a password seems like it would introduce other issues, but it's still secure in a fundamental way.

How common is google chrome sign in